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Qing Dynasty

Shelf by nono umasy
The Qing Dynasty, which spanned from 1644 to 1912, was a pivotal era in Chinese history characterized by a period of imperial rule marked by both cultural flourishing and political stability. Originating from Manchuria, the Qing rulers successfully conquered the Ming Dynasty, extending their dominion over China. Under their reign, the empire experienced notable expansion, with territorial acquisitions in Tibet, Taiwan, and Central Asia. While Qing rule brought about significant socio-cultural developments, such as the flourishing of the arts and the growth of the Chinese population, it also faced challenges, including the Opium Wars and internal strife. Ultimately, the Qing Dynasty's decline and eventual overthrow led to the establishment of the Republic of China, marking a transformative moment in China's history.
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The Qing Dynasty and Traditional Chinese Culture
Richard J. Smith
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A Concise History of the Qing Dynasty
Yi Dai
Rethinking the Decline of China's Qing Dynasty
Daniel McMahon
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China's Last Empire
William T. Rowe
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China's Cultural Heritage
Richard J Smith
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Customs Duties in the Qing Dynasty, ca. 1644-1911
Yuping Ni
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The Qing Dynasty and Traditional Chinese Culture
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Chinese Dress
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Agricultural Development in Qing China
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New Qing Imperial History
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Classic Chinese Furniture of the Qing Dynasty
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Qing Travelers to the Far West
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Queering Gender, Sexuality, and Becoming-Human in Qing Dynasty Zhiguai
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State, Peasant, and Merchant in Qing Manchuria, 1644-1862
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State and Crafts in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)
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Qing Encounters
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Qing Colonial Enterprise
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The Qing Empire and the Opium War
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A Pictorial Record of the Qing Dynasty
A Pictorial Record of the Qing Dynasty
Liaoning Provincial Library
Imperial Life in the Qing Dynasty
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History of Education in the Qing Dynasty
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History of Customs in the Qing Dynasty
Li Shi
Political History of the Qing Dynasty
Li Shi
History of Art in the Qing Dynasty
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Military History of the Qing Dynasty
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The History of Science and Technology in the Qing Dynasty
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Life in the Imperial Court of Qing Dynasty China
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