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Renaissance History

Shelf by nono umasy
The Renaissance, a pivotal period in European history spanning from the 14th to the 17th century, marked a profound cultural and intellectual revival. Characterized by a resurgence of interest in art, literature, science, and philosophy, it saw the rediscovery of classical knowledge and the emergence of humanism. This transformative era, originating in Italy and spreading across the continent, fostered groundbreaking achievements in art, with figures like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, as well as groundbreaking advances in science and exploration. The Renaissance not only transformed Europe's cultural landscape but also laid the foundations for the modern world, making it a critical chapter in history.
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Brunelleschi's Dome
Ross King
214 pages
The Prince
Niccolo Machiavelli
258 pages
The Life of Elizabeth I
Alison Weir
560 pages
The Six Wives of Henry VIII
Alison Weir
676 pages
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
Jacob Burckhardt
335 pages
The Swerve: How the World Became Modern
Stephen Greenblatt
368 pages
Galileo's Daughter
Dava Sobel
68 pages
The Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects
Giorgio Vasari
640 pages
Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare (Anniversary Edition)
Stephen Greenblatt
384 pages
The Rise and Fall of the House of Medici
Christopher Hibbert
398 pages
Shakespeare's Sonnets
William Shakespeare
49 pages
Mary Queen of Scots
Stefan Zweig
449 pages
The Tigress of Forli
Elizabeth Lev
The Wives of Henry VIII
Antonia Fraser
496 pages
Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling
Ross King
385 pages
Rudolf Carnap: Early Writings
A. W. Carus
516 pages
Catherine de Medici
Leonie Frieda
466 pages
A World Lit Only by Fire
William Manchester
320 pages
The Daughter of Time
Josephine Tey
206 pages
The Medici
Paul Strathern
464 pages
The Book of the Courtier
conte Baldassarre Castiglione
360 pages
Lucrezia Borgia
Sarah Bradford
The Italian Renaissance
John Harold Plumb
318 pages
David Starkey
420 pages
Henry VIII
Alison Weir
698 pages
A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare
James Shapiro
432 pages
The Waning of the Middle Ages
J Huizinga
340 pages
Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems
William Shakespeare
942 pages
Death in Florence
Paul Strathern
Sailing from Byzantium
Colin Wells
368 pages
Isabella of Castile
Nancy Rubin
502 pages
Children of England
Alison Weir
416 pages
The Duchess of Malfi
John Webster
449 pages
The Princes in the Tower
Josephine Wilkinson
192 pages
Aristotle's Children
Richard E. Rubenstein
389 pages
Leonardo and the Last Supper
Ross King
352 pages
The Weaker Vessel
W. W. W.W. Jacobs
44 pages
Murder of a Medici Princess
Caroline Murphy
420 pages
The Pope's Daughter
Caroline P. Murphy
400 pages
April Blood
Lauro Martines
320 pages
The Return of Martin Guerre
Natalie Zemon Davis
180 pages
The Renaissance Bazaar
Jerry Brotton
256 pages
Renaissance Woman
Ramie Targoff
352 pages
Christina Queen of Sweden: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric
Veronica Buckley
528 pages
England Under the Tudors
G.R. Elton
535 pages
Shakespeare And Renaissance Europe
Andrew Hadfield
344 pages
Over the Edge of the World
Laurence Bergreen
480 pages
Women of the Renaissance
Margaret L. King
349 pages
Art in Renaissance Italy, 1350-1500
Evelyn S. Welch
356 pages
EXSTATICA Self-Help Essentials
124 pages
The Feud That Sparked the Renaissance
Paul Robert Walker
304 pages
Albrecht Dürer
Leopold Kaufmann
126 pages
Shakespeare After All
Marjorie Garber
1008 pages
The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age
Frances A. Yates
252 pages
The Marlowe Conspiracy
Matthew Graham Scarsbrook
424 pages
The Deadly Sisterhood
Leonie Frieda
512 pages
The Serpent and the Moon
Her Royal Highness Princess Mi
454 pages
The Elizabethan Renaissance: The cultural achievement
Alfred Leslie Rowse
476 pages
The Borgias
G. J. Meyer
522 pages
The Elizabethan Renaissance
Alfred Leslie Rowse
316 pages
My Heart is My Own
John Alexander Guy
792 pages
Mary Queen Of Scotland And The Isles
Margaret George
880 pages
In Search of Shakespeare
Michael Wood
360 pages
Shakespeare: Invention of the Human
Harold Bloom
Women's Roles in the Renaissance
Meg L. Brown
388 pages
Rewriting the Renaissance
Margaret W. Ferguson
464 pages
Shakespeare's Ideas
David Bevington
248 pages
The Virgin Queen
Christopher Hibbert
328 pages
A Seven Year Cycle Reading Plan
C.S. Fairfax
264 pages
The Gunpowder Plot
Antonia Fraser
448 pages
A New Companion to Renaissance Drama
Arthur F. Kinney
572 pages
The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Tragedy
Emma Smith
The Norton Facsimile of the First Folio of Shakespeare
Charlton Hinman
Poison In the Blood: The Memoirs of Lucrezia Borgia
M. G. Scarsbrook
Christopher Marlowe
Constance Brown Kuriyama
280 pages
Fire in the City
Lauro Martines
361 pages
Richard John Goy
The Medici Letters
Taylor Buck
Stone Giant
Jane Sutcliffe
32 pages
Bring Out Your Dead
Anthony Grafton
376 pages
The Renaissance
Paul Johnson
208 pages
The Making of the Polish-Lithuanian Union 1385-1569
Robert I. Frost
591 pages
The Medici Letters
Taylor Buck
Italian Renaissance Utopias
Antonio Donato
318 pages
Lorenzo and Giovanna
Gert Jan van der Sman