And There Was Light
The American Civil War
France and the American Civil War
The Illustrated Battle Cry of Freedom
America Aflame
The Impending Crisis
The Cause of All Nations
Struggle for a vast future
Armies of Deliverance
Encyclopedia of the American Civil War
The American Civil War
What Caused the Civil War?: Reflections on the Sou
And the War Came
The American War
History of the American Civil War, Vol. 1 of 3 (Cl
This Great Struggle
Running the Blockade During the American Civil War
Atlas of the American Civil War
The Cambridge History of the American Civil War: V
The Enduring Civil War
The Union Blockade in the American Civil War
Blue and Gray Diplomacy
Democracy and the American Civil War
Death, Disease, and Life at War
The Civil War
The Civil War Visual Encyclopedia
Confederate Soldier of the American Civil War: A V
Union Soldier of the American Civil War
The Visual Dictionary of the Civil War
The American Civil War
The American Heritage Picture History of the Civil
The Civil War in Art
An Illustrated History of the Civil War
Battle Maps of the Civil War
Battle Maps of the Civil War
The Atlas of the Civil War
U.S. Civil War Battle by Battle
Battle in the Civil War
Great Battles of the Civil War
The Cambridge History of the American Civil War: V
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War
Battlefields of the Civil War
The Long Road to Antietam
April 1865
Cold Harbor
The Vicksburg Campaign
Desperate Engagement
Civil War Battles
The Civil War in Mississippi
Warships and Naval Battles of the Civil War
Battles of American Civil War 1861-1865 H/C
Battle Cry of Freedom
The Battle of Belmont
The Battle of Fredericksburg
The Maps of Gettysburg
The American Civil War and the Origins of Modern W
Battle Maps of the Civil War
Battle Maps of the Civil War
Battle Maps of the Civil War
Battle Tactics of the Civil War
The Maps of Antietam
American Civil War Railroad Tactics
American Civil War Marines 1861–65
Sharpshooting Rifles of the American Civil War
American Civil War Artillery 1861–65 (2)
Irish-American Units in the Civil War
The American Civil War in the Indian Territory
American Civil War Fortifications (2)
African American Soldier in the Civil War
Mississippi River Gunboats of the American Civil W
Fredericksburg 1862
Weapons of the Civil War Cavalryman
Sharpshooters of the American Civil War 1861–65
American Civil War Zouaves
Petersburg 1864–65
First Bull Run 1861
American Civil War Armies (5)
Confederate Infantryman 1861-65
The Confederate Army 1861–65 (4)
American Civil War Commanders (4)
American Civil War Fortifications (1)
The Confederate Army 1861–65 (6)
Vicksburg 1863
Native American Mounted Rifleman 1861–65
Nashville 1864
US Cavalry on the Plains 1850–90
Confederate Artilleryman 1861–65
American Civil War Artillery 1861–65 (1)
American Civil War Union Army
Forts of the American Frontier 1820–91
Confederate Ironclad Vs Union Ironclad
American Civil War
Shelf by nono umasy
The American Civil War (1861-1865), a pivotal conflict in United States history, was primarily driven by the contentious issue of slavery. This war, fought between the Northern states (the Union) and the Southern states (the Confederacy) that seceded from the Union, fundamentally reshaped the nation's social, political, and economic landscape. Key events include the Battle of Gettysburg, President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, which proclaimed the freedom of slaves in the Confederate states, and his subsequent assassination shortly after the South's surrender. The Civil War's conclusion led to the Reconstruction era, aimed at rebuilding the nation and integrating freed slaves into society. Its legacy continues to influence American culture and politics, emphasizing themes of freedom, equality, and national identity.
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