An Economic History of Portugal, 1143â2010
Portugal in European and World History
A Concise History of Portugal
A Concise History of Portugal
A New History of Portugal
Portugal: A Companion History
Travellers History of Portugal
The History of Portugal, From the Commencement of
The History of Portugal
The Story of Portugal
The History of Portugal and Spain (Classic Reprint
Factos escondidos da histĂłria de Portugal
Portugal na HistĂłria da Europa e do Mundo
A History of Portugal and the Portuguese Empire
A History of Spain and Portugal
A People's History of the Portuguese Revolution
Historical Dictionary of Portugal
Foundations of the Portuguese Empire
The Portuguese in the East
The History of the Revolution of Portugal
An Oral History of the Portuguese Colonial War
Emigration and the Sea
The Portuguese Empire and Africa: The History and
Creole Societies in the Portuguese Colonial Empire
History of Portugal
Shelf by nono umasy
The history of Portugal is a rich tapestry of maritime exploration, colonization, and cultural diversity. From its early origins as a part of the Roman Empire, Portugal gradually asserted its independence in the 12th century and went on to become a formidable maritime power during the Age of Exploration, led by figures like Vasco da Gama and Ferdinand Magellan. The 15th and 16th centuries marked Portugal's Golden Age, with the establishment of a vast colonial empire that stretched from Brazil to Asia. However, the country faced periods of political upheaval, including the devastating earthquake of 1755. In the 20th century, Portugal overcame a dictatorship and embraced democracy, ultimately joining the European Union in 1986. Today, Portugal stands as a vibrant nation with a rich historical legacy and a thriving tourism industry.
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