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124 items
The Ottoman Empire: The History of the Turkish Emp
History Titans
A History of the Ottoman Empire
Douglas A. Howard
History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey: V
Stanford J. Shaw
Osman's Dream
Caroline Finkel
A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire
M. Şükrü Hanioğlu
Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire
Ga ́bor A ́goston
An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empi
Suraiya Faroqhi
A Short History of the Ottoman Empire
Renée Worringer
The Origins of the Ottoman Empire
Mehmet Fuat Köprülü
The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922
Donald Quataert
The Ottomans
Marc David Baer
Lords of the Horizons
Jason Goodwin
The Ottoman Turks
Justin Mccarthy
History of the Ottoman Turks
Edward Shepherd Creasy
The A to Z of the Ottoman Empire
Selcuk Somel
The Ottoman Empire
Suraiya Faroqhi
Historical Dictionary of the Ottoman Empire
Selcuk Aksin Somel
History of the Ottoman Empire
William Deans
Ottoman Empire and Islamic Tradition
Norman Itzkowitz
The Rise of the Ottoman Empire
Paul Wittek
The Ottoman Empire 1326–1699
Stephen Turnbull
Writing History at the Ottoman Court
H. Erdem Cipa
The Ottoman Empire
History Titans
The Rise of the Ottoman Empire - History 5th Grade
Baby Professor
A Short History of the Ottoman Empire
Baki Tezcan
William Deans
History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey
History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey
Stanford Jay Shaw
An Historical Geography of the Ottoman Empire
Donald Edgar Pitcher
A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire
M. Şükrü Hanioğlu
A History of Ottoman Architecture
John Freely
A Provincial History of the Ottoman Empire
Marc Aymes
History of the Ottoman Empire
William Deans
History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey
History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey
Stanford Jay Shaw
The Ottoman Empire
Henry Freeman
The Ottoman Empire and the World-Economy
Huri Islamogu-Inan
History of the Ottoman Empire
Samuel Jacob
The Expansion and Apogee of the Ottoman Empire
Charles River Charles Riv
Living in the Ottoman Realm
Christine Isom-Verhaaren
The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe
Daniel Goffman
A Monetary History of the Ottoman Empire
Sevket Pamuk
The Fall of the Ottomans
Eugene Rogan
Natural Disasters in the Ottoman Empire
Yaron Ayalon
The Ottoman Empire [2 volumes]
Mehrdad Kia
The Foundation of the Ottoman Empire
Herbert Adams Gibbons
The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern European Histo
Hamish M. Scott
God's Shadow: Sultan Selim, His Ottoman Empire, an
Alan Mikhail
Ruler Visibility and Popular Belonging in the Otto
Darin N. Stephanov
A History of the Ottoman Empre to 1730
V. J. Parry
The Ottoman Empire 1700-1922
Donald Quataert
Gypsies in the Ottoman Empire
Elena Marushiakova
A Provincial History of the Ottoman Empire
Marc Aymes
Ottoman Centuries
Lord Kinross
Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire
Mehrdad Kia
Plague, Quarantines and Geopolitics in the Ottoman
Birsen Bulmus
Miners and the State in the Ottoman Empire
Donald Quataert
A History of Ottoman Economic Thought
Fatih Ermiş
The Second Ottoman Empire
Baki Tezcan
The Nature of the Early Ottoman State
Heath W. Lowry
Subjects of the Sultan
Suraiya Faroqhi
The Ottoman Empire's Most Important Battles
Charles River Editors
The Ottoman Empire's Greatest Victories
Charles River Editors
Crisis of the Ottoman Empire
James J. Reid
The Ottoman Empire and the World Around it
Suraiya Faroqhi
Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, 1354-1804
Peter F. Sugar
A History of Ottoman Political Thought up to the E
Marinos Sariyannis
The Cambridge History of Turkey: Volume 2, The Ott
Suraiya N. Faroqhi
Genocide in the Ottoman Empire
George N. Shirinian
The Ottoman Empire
Stephan Weaver
The Ottoman Empire 1450-1700
Andrina Stiles
A Historical Archaeology of the Ottoman Empire
Uzi Baram
Children and Childhood in the Ottoman Empire
Fruma Zachs
The Ottoman Empire
Halil Inalcik
Jews, Turks, and Ottomans
Avigdor Levy
Southeastern Europe under Ottoman Rule, 1354-1804
Peter F. Sugar
The First Capital of the Ottoman Empire
Suna Cagaptay
Nature and Empire in Ottoman Egypt
Alan Mikhail
The Arabs of the Ottoman Empire, 1516-1918
Bruce Masters
War in the East
Quintin Barry
Ottoman Warfare, 1500-1700
Rhoads Murphey
The Rise of the Ottoman Empire - History 5th Grade
Baby Professor
Historical Atlas of Islam
Lecturer in Comparative R
Essays in Ottoman-Turkish Political History
Sina Aksin
The Armenians in the Ottoman Empire
The Armenians in the Ottoman Empire
Joseph E. Malikian
Freemasonry in the Ottoman Empire
Dorothe Sommer
Scholars and Sultans in the Early Modern Ottoman E
Abdurrahman Atçıl
A History of the Ottoman Empire to 1730
V. J. Parry
Ottoman Imperial Diplomacy
Dogan Gurpinar
The Ottoman Age of Exploration
Giancarlo Casale
Ottoman Manufacturing in the Age of the Industrial
Donald Quataert
A Social History of Ottoman Istanbul
Ebru Boyar
Turks Across Empires
James H. Meyer
Sultanic Saviors and Tolerant Turks
Marc David Baer
Orphans and Destitute Children in the Late Ottoman
Nazan Maksudyan
Modernization in the Late Ottoman Era
Fatma Melek Arıkan
The Janissary Tree
Jason Goodwin
The Ottomans and the Balkans
Fikret Adanır
The Jews of the Ottoman Empire
Avigdor Levy
The Last Ottoman Generation and the Making of the
Michael Provence
The Jews of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Rep
Stanford J. Shaw
The Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire
Alan Palmer
Manufacturing in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey, 15
Donald Quataert
Travel and Artisans in the Ottoman Empire
Suraiya Faroqhi
The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1650
Colin Imber
Kurdish Notables and the Ottoman State
Hakan Ozoglu
Ottoman Wars, 1700-1870
Virginia Aksan
The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922
Donald Quataert
Engaging the Ottoman Empire
Daniel O'Quinn
The Ottoman Age of Exploration
Giancarlo Casale
Emotions in the Ottoman Empire
Nil Tekgül
Land and Legal Texts in the Early Modern Ottoman E
Malissa Taylor
The Ottoman Empire
Carolyn DeCarlo
Ottoman Medicine
Miri Shefer-Mossensohn
Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire
Benjamin Braude
Ottoman Empire and Islamic Tradition
Norman Itzkowitz
From Empire to Republic
Halil İnalcık
History of the Ottoman Turks from the beginning of
Edward Shepherd Creasy
History of the Ottoman Empire
Samuel Jacob
History of the Ottoman Empire
William Deans
History of the Ottoman Empire
Edward Upham
History of Ottoman Turks
Edward Shepherd Creasy
The History of the Growth and Decay of the Othman
Dimitrie Cantemir (Voivod
Studies in Ottoman Social and Economic History
Halil İnalcık
Rethinking the Late Ottoman Empire
Isa Blumi
The History of the Turkish, Or Ottoman Empire,
Vincent Mignot

History of the Ottoman Empire

Shelf by nono umasy
The Ottoman Empire, founded in the 13th century, was a vast and influential state that spanned three continents and lasted for over six centuries until its dissolution in 1922. Beginning as a small Anatolian principality, it rapidly expanded under the leadership of Osman I and his descendants, eventually conquering Constantinople in 1453 and becoming the center of a powerful Islamic caliphate. The empire reached its zenith during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century, encompassing territories from southeastern Europe to the Middle East and North Africa. Over time, however, internal strife, external pressure, and the challenges of modernization led to its decline. The Ottoman Empire ultimately collapsed after World War I, giving rise to the modern nation of Turkey and marking the end of a significant chapter in world history.

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History of the Ottoman Empire

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