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71 items
The Vietnam War
Geoffrey C. Ward
The Vietnam War
Edward Miller
The Vietnam War
Andrew Wiest
The Vietnam War
A Companion to the Vietnam War
Marilyn B. Young
America, the Vietnam War, and the World
Andreas W. Daum
Everything We Had
Al Santoli
Working-Class War
Christian G. Appy
Embers of War
Fredrik Logevall
The War That Never Ends
David L. Anderson
Kill Anything That Moves
Nick Turse
The Vietnam War
Andrew Wiest
Vietnam, the Necessary War
Michael Lind
The Vietnam War
Mitchell K. Hall
Dirty Little Secrets of the Vietnam War
James F. Dunnigan
The Vietnam War
Geoffrey Ward
America and the Vietnam War
Andrew Wiest
Everything There Is to Know about the Vietnam War
Baby Professor
Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War
Stanley I. Kutler
The Role of Women in the Vietnam War
Hallie Murray
What Was the Vietnam War?
Jim O'Connor
The Vietnam War
The Columbia Guide to the Vietnam War
David L. Anderson
Vietnam War
Martin Gitlin
Why Did the Vietnam War Happen?
Clive Gifford
The Korean War and The Vietnam War
William L. Hosch Associat
War Without Fronts
Bernd Greiner
The Vietnam War
R. Shane-Armstrong
10,000 Days of Thunder
Philip Caputo
Armed with Abundance
Meredith H. Lair
The Vietnam War on Film
David Luhrssen
The Vietnam War from the Other Side
Cheng Guan Ang
Strategic Inventions of the Vietnam War
Cathleen Small
The Vietnam War
R. G. Grant
Ending the Vietnam War
Henry Kissinger
The Vietnam War
Michael Burgan
The Uncensored War
Daniel C. Hallin
The Hidden History of the Vietnam War
John Prados
Hanoi's Road to the Vietnam War, 1954-1965
Pierre Asselin
Rolling Thunder in a Gentle Land
Andrew Wiest
Ben Sherman
Propaganda and the Vietnam War
Nicole Hahn
Death Zones and Darling Spies
Beverly Deepe Keever
Armoured Warfare in the Vietnam War
Michael Green
Code Breakers and Spies of the Vietnam War
Andrew Coddington
Triumph Forsaken
Mark Moyar
Machines and Weaponry of the Vietnam War
Charlie Samuels
Against the Vietnam War
Mary Susannah Robbins
Tonkin Gulf and the Escalation of the Vietnam War,
Edwin Moise
Vietnam War Almanac
James H. Willbanks
"Reading the Wind"
Timothy J. Lomperis
The Vietnam War
Marc J. Gilbert
MiG-21 Units of the Vietnam War
István Toperczer
Vietnam War
Maurice Isserman
The Vietnam War in Context
Dale Scarboro
The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War
John Stewart Bowman
Storms over the Mekong
William Pace Head
The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: 1961-1964
William Conrad Gibbons
The Vietnam War
Brenda M. Boyle
The Vietnam War
Barbara Diggs
Guns Up!
Johnnie Clark
Vehicles & Heavy Weapons of the Vietnam War
David Doyle
Veteran Narratives and the Collective Memory of th
John A. Wood
The Vietnam War
Mitchell Hall
Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War
Robert J. McMahon
Vietnam War US & Allied Combat Equipments
Gordon L. Rottman
Armies of the Vietnam War (2)
Lee E Russell
The Vietnam War
Mark Atwood Lawrence
Interservice Rivalry and Airpower in the Vietnam W
Dr. Ian Horwood
Memories of Vietnam
Assistant Professor Schoo

Vietnam War

Shelf by nono umasy
The Vietnam War, a pivotal conflict from 1955 to 1975, was marked by its Cold War context, involving major powers like the United States supporting South Vietnam against the North Vietnamese government and its communist allies. This war symbolized the height of Cold War tensions, characterized by guerrilla warfare, extensive bombing campaigns, and a significant anti-war movement globally. It resulted in a profound impact on Vietnam, extensive casualties, and a shift in international politics, ultimately ending with the fall of Saigon and the unification of Vietnam under communist control. The war's legacy continues to influence global politics and American foreign policy, making it a significant event in 20th-century history.

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Vietnam War

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